Family Separation: Showing Up in this Movement Moment

As we hear stories, audio, and see photos coming out of child detention centers; we are compelled to move to action in this moment.

How can we show up in the most effective ways, centering the migrant communities and grassroots orgs and groups who have been active in this work and in these places? There is overwhelming response needed, and many ways to show up.

We are providing this forum to self educate about family and child detention, the centers which hold them, immigration process and how new policies are speeding up and amplifying the cruelty of the already cruel incarceration & criminalization of migrant people.

We will cover: basic education about migrant detention, family and child detention in Texas, direct support of migrant communities, direct support of those already supporting and overwhelmed, border support, local (Houston) support, direct action, and how to join our ‘Sanctuary in the Streets’ rapid response and provide legal support to our network of families.

Everyone will find a way to respond. Let’s get organized!
This meeting is open to anyone who is interested in helping educate, organize, and move white people to act as part of a multi-racial majority for justice with passion and accountability.

Children are welcome.

Accessibility information:
The meeting space and bathroom are accessible to those with limited physical mobility. Bathroom is gender inclusive. Please refrain from wearing heavily scented perfumes or deodorants.

**SURJ HTX, a chapter of the national Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) network, is a group of individuals focused on organizing, educating, and mobilizing white people for racial justice in the Houston area. Through outreach and education, we seek to engage white people in the fight to actively unlearn and dismantle white supremacy and racism.