VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – Rebuilding Together Houston

Time to strap on your tool belts .. Rebuilding Together Houston project is almost here and our house has been assigned! There are many ways to help and you don’t have to be a master carpenter to make a big difference! I have attached pictures of the house and of our mighty crew chief, Leo Vandermeulen. Can you tell how excited he looks about this house!

Sign Up: http://rebuildinghouston.force.com/volunteers/CrewList

Select the Emerson UU Crew, complete the intake form and then select the day(s) you wish to work. Even if you already signed up in the Gathering Place at church, we still need you to do this step. If you have any issues signing up, please contact Jane at jm.zachritz@gmail.com.

Dates: Saturdays of April 6th and 13th (either day or both) – Rain or Shine!

Times: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm (partial days are welcome)

Address: please contact Jane at jm.zachritz@gmail.com (713) 203-3276

Munchies: Water, soft drinks, snacks and lunch will be provided

What to Wear/Bring: Must wear closed-toe shoes and clothing that you do not mind getting paint on. We also recommend bringing a hat, work gloves (very important), sunscreen and bug spray. We work rain or shine, so if it is raining please bring a rain poncho and rain boots if you have them. If you have a short or tall ladder, please bring it! Please label all personal tools that you bring. This house will involve a lot of painting .. so if you can bring your own paintbrush, this means we can put everyone to painting right away!

Jane Zachritz-Holt

(713) 203-3276